Women in Chess?

https://elisabethbell.com/4nyzwwux More women in chess!  Yes….no doubt about it… With the multi-tasking skills we are so capable of performing admirably, chess is right up our alley.  I’ve often wondered why is this.  I really love it when I see an article about young women excelling in the game …


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https://fotballsonen.com/2024/03/07/am9o1x6 You might ask “do you play?”   Yes, I do – but badly.  Very badly.  What I enjoy about the game is the stories I hear during a chess tournament (yes, I am a club tournament director – and a darn good one at that).  Even though the chess players know I play very little, several will come over to the counter and relate the position that lost their game.  I love it!

Order Tramadol Online Cheap I would like to play better – but please, please – I don’t know if I’ll ever get to the stage of “oh yes, let’s analyze this game for the next three hours”.

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https://www.worldhumorawards.org/uncategorized/8vhfkmd So – more women in chess!  I think you’ll enjoy the photos of these young girls on their way to excelling in chess….Just wish there was a little more to the story!  What prompted them to play chess?  What is it about the game that evokes the passion?  Oh well …. enjoy !



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